Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables
Creating a Subspecies
Love a set of traits you shared by a group of Afamiliars? Want the results of your project to be chiselled in proverbial stone? Consider creating a subspecies!
User Created subspecies are added to the database and our website for everyone to see. In order to create a subspecies, a minimum 5 individual Afamiliars must exhibit the same traits. These can all be owned by several different people; however, all owners must agree to your form via Discord.
A user-made subspecies doesn't offer any particular benefits other than just being a fun goal to work towards, and user-created subspecies cannot be ordered as G1s. In addition, it is up to our artists how
Submit the below form in the #afam-orders-here channel on DIscord. These forms can also be found pinned in the channel, or in the #afam-order-forms channel!
@Afamiliar Helper @Webmaster
***I'd like to create a subspecies!*** (belongs in #afam-orders-here)
**Subspecies Name:**
**Which Afamiliar is representing the species (Afam #):**
**Your species information description:**
**Requirements of subspecies:**
**Qualifying Afamiliars:**

An example of a filled form

The time it will take to be added to the Database and Website depends on the availability of our team members (updating thew website in particular can take up to a week!).
Here are just a couple examples of our user created subspecies!

Prismatic Squirmscoot â–ª Glowsette Peryton â–ª Yeenaphant Hydrena â–ª Pincushion Flutterbun â–ª Bakubicorn Unicorn