Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables

Item Name
Item Desfc
Sam's Shady Shop
Sam's Shady Shop is the Scavenging item shop. Sam will exchange items found scavenging for more complex items, potions, and spells that can be used on your Afamiliars.
To make Swaps/Purchases from Sam's Shop: Post in the #sams-shady-shop channel on the Afamiliars Discord Server using the following purchase form, which can also be found in the channel's pinned posts:
@Scavenging Admin
**I would like to purchase something from Sam!**
**Item(s) being purchased:**
**Item(s) being spent:**
Sam will trade you a specific item for 2 of its type that you don't want. Post in the #sams-shady-shop channel on the Afamiliars Discord Server using the form below to swap!
Sam's Swap Service
@Scavenging Admin
**I would like to make a swap!**
**Item(s) wanted:**
**Items being spent:**
Trade 2 of a type of an item for 1 item of its type of your choice:
2 of either Color-Catching or Color-Snatching Weeds for 1 of the opposite kind
2 of a Limpet for 1 of a different Limpet

Sam's Compost Garden
Sam will give you one Petal-Patch Leaf for adding to the compost bin.
Two of the following items in any combination:
Colour-Catching Weeds
Colour-Snatching Weeds
Pretty Feather
One of:
Sticky-Scaled Fruit
Strange Potato

Sam's Shop Stock
Post in the #sams-shady-shop channel on the Afamiliars Discord Server using the purchasing form to purchase.

100g-off Coupon
A fancy little ticket worth quite a lot!
A general coupon for taking 100g (or the treasure equivalent) off of a service or purchase. When using on an Afamiliar order on the thread, include a ping to @Razatharia with the information that you are using a 100g-off Coupon. If you are using it on an order in the Discord, ping Scavenging Admin.
Can't be applied to a creature
Cost: n/a (cannot be purchased)

Blossom Spell
A spell meant to be used on dragons. It works ok on familiars.
Adds a few (1 to 5) inheritable flowers to an Afamaliar, type and color of the artist‘s choosing.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 10 Eggs (Only Available during Spring Event)

Bright Powder
A shimmering powder created by crushing up a couple of Color-Catching Weeds.
Brings an Afamiliar's color closer to white. (Use more for a more noticeable effect!)
Can be used on all species
Cost: 2 Color-Catching Weeds

Complex Raiments Voucher
A big fancy paper for a big fancy piece of apparel. Redeemable only at Rosie‘s Ravishing Rainments!
One free complex piece of an apparel RRR. Reminder that artists retain the ability to decline an order for any reason. To use the voucher, include a ping to @Razatharia in your order post on the thread with your Discord Tag (Name#0000) and which voucher you are using. (The order can have more than one piece of apparel, but the voucher only applies to one.)
Can be used on all species
Cost: 15 Little Ribbons, Lost Hairties, Colorful Beads, Precious Scrap, Plain Pennants, Scavenging Scars, or Pretty Feathers (any combination)

Dragon Charm
A talisman made from shed dragon feathers and an elemental runestone.
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) trait to an Afamiliar. This trait will come from a canon FR dragon species. The dragon species is chosen by the person making the order, but the exact trait and its application to the Afamiliar is decided by the artist. (i.e. choosing ”Pearlcatcher” could give the Afamiliar a nose horn, or furry cheeks, or a tufted tail, or a pearl, etc.).
Can be used on all species
Cost: 1 Runestone and 6 Pretty Feathers

Elemental Catalyst
By using intricate knotwork, the latent magic of the runestone can be attuned to different elements.
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) trait to an Afamiliar. This trait will be random (up to the artist) and ”elemental” in nature depending on the FR Flight specified. (i.e. Fire could possibly add a flame to the end of an Afamiliar‘s tail, or Water might add small fins or water effects, etc.)
Can be used on all species
Cost: 1 Runestone and 6 Little Ribbons

Fauna Charm
A talisman made with beads carved to look like animals, tied to a runestone that gives off a faint glow.
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) trait to an Afamiliar. This trait will come from a real (non-extinct) animal. The animal is chosen by the person making the order, but the exact trait and its application to the Afamiliar is decided by the artist. (i.e. choosing "Deer" could give the Afamiliar antlers, hooves, etc.).
Can be used on all species
Cost: 1 Runestone, 3 Lost Hair Ties and 3 Colourful Beads

Festive Petal-Patch Vine
This Petal-Patch Vine looks a little more festive than usual.
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) pattern to an Afamiliar. When ordering, specify what marking you want! The markings can be anything from this list:
candycane stripes (small area), snowflakes, holly leaf, red nose, red nose (glowing), frost, snow leopard rosettes (small area), leopard seal mottling (small area), penguin face marking (provide a penguin species), lynx ear tufts (a small added trait), orca markings, fawn spots, aurora borealis (small area), snow dapple (small area), snowy owl barred pattern (small area), forehead star blaze
Small customization requests can be made after choosing a list item, but generally the color and placement of the design is up to the artist.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 15 Cookies (Only Available during Winter Event)

Fossil Charm
A talisman made from ancient remains found using flag markers and special tools, combined with a faintly-glowing runestone.
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) trait to an Afamiliar. This trait will come from an extinct/prehistoric animal. The animal is chosen by the person making the order, but the exact trait and its application to the Afamiliar is decided by the artist. (i.e. choosing "T. Rex" could give the Afamiliar short arms, big teeth, etc.).
Can be used on all species
Cost: 1 Runestone, 3 Precious Scraps and 3 Plain Pennants

Halloween Apparel Ticket
A spooky coupon that may or may not be cursed.
This ticket can be used to add a small Halloween-themed apparel to an Afamiliar. (i.e. a halo, devil horns, tiny bat wings, super hero eye mask, a candy bag/bucket, etc.) Request what apparel you want when you use this on an Afamiliar in #afam-orders-here!
Can be used on all species
Cost: 10 Pieces of Candy (Only Available during Halloween Event)

Halloween Candyfall
An exciting shower of candy!
This is a piece of apparel that adds a shower of candy to your Afamiliar!
Can be applied to all species
Cost: 5 Pieces of Candy (Only Available during Halloween Event)

Haunted Petal-Patch Vine
This Petal-Patch Vine looks a little spookier than usual
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) pattern to an Afamiliar. When ordering, specify what marking you want! The markings can be anything from this list:
skull face, limb bones, ribs and spine, stitches, jack-o-lantern face, ghosts, bats, black and white stripes (small area), candycorn stripes (small area), crescent moon, cartoon stars, spiderweb, spiders, blood spatter, slime spatter, eye shapes, black widow spider hourglass, bloody tears, runny mascara, goth eyeshadow, clown face
Small customization requests can be made after choosing a list item, but generally the color and placement of the design is up to the artist.
Can be applied to all species
Cost: 15 Pieces of Candy (Only available during Halloween Event)

Iris Potion
A colourful potion, brewed with a handful of Petal-Patch Leaves
Permanently changes the color of a creature‘s irises. Color should be specified upon use, and can be vague (red, blue, etc.) or more specific (icy blue, dark red, etc.).
Can't be used on: Elements
Cost: 3 Petal-Patch Leaves

Moderate Raiments Voucher
A shiny little ticket, redeemable only at Rosie‘s Ravishing Raiments!
One free moderate piece of an apparel RRR. ”Moderate” is up to each artists‘ discretion, so ask the artist for a quote in #miras-rosies-and-breeding before using the voucher. To use the voucher, include a ping to @Razatharia in your RRR order post on the thread and specify which voucher you are using. (The order can have more than one piece of apparel, but the voucher only applies to one.)
Can't be applied to a creature
Cost: 10 Little Ribbons, Lost Hairties, Colorful Beads, Precious Scrap, Plain Pennants, Scavenging Scars, or Pretty Feathers (any combination)

Nectar of Youth
A magical extract of the fascinating Sticky-Scaled Fruit plant that causes a Afamiliar to remain youthful indefinitely.
Use when ordering a Gen 1 Afamiliar on the Discord in #afam-orders-here by including it in your order form and pinging Scavenging Admin in addition to the other pings already in the form. (Some artists allow it to be used in breeding orders. Inquire with the artist before using, and ping @Razatharia if used in the forum thread.) The species MUST have a baby base available in order to use this item!
CAN ONLY BE USED ON: Species that have a baby form
Cost: 5 Sticky-Scaled Fruit

Oddi Tea
Oddi‘s signature brew. Steeping two mysterious plants together creates quite the unusual beverage!
This item is used in a breeding to guarantee a full or partial success in passing on specific traits from parents to offspring that have been set by the artist as being determined by RNG. Not all artists use it, so be sure to inquire before using!
CAN ONLY BE USED ON: Afamiliars included in the guide
Cost: 1 Skycatnip and 1 Sticky-Scaled Fruit

Petal-Patch Leaf Stew
A brew made up of petal-patch leaves that seems to attract wild limpets.
Use to exchange for a random Limpet item. Ping Scavenging Admin in #sams-shady-shop that you would like to use your Petal-Patch Leaf Stew, and you will receive your random Limpet soon!
Can't be applied to a creature
Cost: 5 Petal-Patch Leaves

Petal-Patch Vine
The sap from a Petal-Patch Vine has a strange and colorful effect when fed to an Afamiliar!
Adds a permanent (inheritable) random pattern to an Afamiliar. Color should be specified upon use, and can be vague (red, blue, etc.) or more specific (icy blue, dark red, etc.). Patterns [i]cannot[/i] be specified.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 6 Petal-Patch Leaves

Radiant Charm
A talisman made with colorful leaves. Glowing energy coils around it
Adds a permenant (inheritable) glowing design outside/around an Afamiliar. Color should be specified upon use, and can be vague (red, blue, etc.) or more specific (icy blur, dark red, etc.). Patterns cannot be specified.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 1 Runestone, 3 Color-Catching Weeds, and 3 Petal-Patch Leaves

Shadow Powder
An ominously-dark powder created by crushing up a couple of Color-Snatching Weeds
Brings an Afamiliar‘s color closer to black. (Use more for a more noticeable effect!)
Can be used on all species
Cost: 2 Color-Snatching Weeds

Shifting Potion
A curious potion of swiftly swirling liquids that allows an Afamiliar to make a change!
This item allows for an Afamiliar‘s sex marker to be changed from Male to Female, or vice versa. The Afamiliar cannot have had any offspring before using this item. Fill out the form in #afam-orders-here to use it. The default usage of this item simply changes the sex marker on the database from one sex to the other. No changes to the art are made. Artists can choose how they want to handle species with sexual dimorphism, so ask before use if you aren‘t sure.
Can't be used on: Skycats
Cost: 1 Sticky-scaled Fruit, 1 Strange Potato, 1 Limpet (any type)

Shimmering Bloom
This beautiful flower emits a soft light in the darkness. Feeding it to an Afamiliar causes them to glow as well
Adds a permanent (inheritable) random small glowing element.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 3 Color-Catching Weeds

Simple Raiments Voucher
A quaint little coupon with messy writing. It ‘s very official, despite its appearance, and is redeemable only at Rosie‘s Ravishing Raiments!
One free simple piece of an apparel RRR. ”Simple” is up to each artists‘ discretion, so ask the artist for a quote in #miras-rosies-and-breeding before using the voucher.
To use the voucher, include a ping to @Razatharia in your RRR order post on the thread and specify which voucher you are using. (The order can have more than one piece of apparel, but the voucher only applies to one.)
Can't be applied to a creature
Cost: 5 Little Ribbons, Lost Hairties, Colorful Beads, Precious Scrap, Plain Pennants, Scavenging Scars, or Pretty Feathers (any combination)

Spring Petal-Patch Vine
This Petal-Patch Vine is looking a little more floral than usual!
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) pattern to an Afamiliar. When ordering, specify what marking you want! The markings can be anything from this list:
Vines, leaves, simple flowers, pastel bands/stripes (small area), fawn spots, shamrocks, baby tapir stripes, baby boar stripes, rainbow gradient (small area), bee stripes, robin chest, chipmunk stripes, ladybug spots, skunk stripes, clouds, raindrops, butterfly masque
Small customization requests can be made after choosing a list item, but generally the color and placement of the design is up to the artist.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 15 Eggs (Only Available during Spring Event)

Vial of Multi-Vision
A potion made from a lot of Strange Potatoes. Looking at it for too long makes you feel like you‘re being watched.
Randomly adds new eyes somewhere on an Afamiliar.
Can't be used on: Elements
Cost: 6 Strange Potatoes

Vial of Primal Sight
A potion made from a lot of Strange Potatoes, with an extra magic-infused ingredient to give it a little more kick. The shimmering liquid can‘t seem to make up its mind on what colour it should be.
This will add a specific FR Primal eye type to an Afamiliar. Specify which element you want when you make your order.
Can't be used on: Elements
Cost: 6 Strange Potatoes and 1 Colorful Bead, Little Ribbon, Petal-Patch Leaf, or Pretty Feather

Vial of Strange Sight
A potion made from a handful of Strange Potatoes. It bubbles and swirls in a mesmerizing way, making you want to stare at it for hours.
This will add a specific FR eye type to an Afamiliar: Innocent, Glowing, Dark Sclera, Faceted, Goat, or Swirl. The color will stay generally the same. Specify which eye type you want when you make your order.
Can't be used on: Elements
Cost: 3 Strange Potatoes

Void Bloom
The dark petals of this flower seem to devour all light. Feeding it to an Afamiliar seems to affect their eyes.
Randomly changes the pupil shape of an Afamiliar's eyes.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 3 Color-Snatching Weeds

Winter Apparel Ticket
A festive little ticket that smells like peppermint and cocoa!
Adds a small wintery or festive apparel or item. (i.e. a present, twinkly lights, santa hat, candle, dreidel, stocking, ornament, ear muffs, etc.)
Request what apparel you want when you use this on an Afamiliar in #afam-orders-here!
Can be used on all species
Cost: 10 Cookies (Only Available during Winter Event)

Winter Snowfall
Gently falling snow brings an eternal winter
This is a piece of apparel that adds some falling snow to your Afamiliar!
Can be used on all species
Cost: 5 Cookies (Only Available during Winter Event)

Wisp Charm
A talisman made with colorful leaves. Vibrant smoke coils around it
Adds a permenant (inheritable) design outside/around an Afamiliar. Color should be specified upon use, and can be vague (red, blue, etc.) or more specific (icy blur, dark red, etc.). Patterns cannot be specified.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 1 Runestone, 3 Color-Snatching Weeds, and 3 Petal-Patch Leaves