Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables
All About Afamiliars
What's this all about?
Afamiliars are adoptable, breedable Flight Rising familiars. They can be customised, dressed up and even bred to create new brand new Afamiliars!
Afamiliars, which is short for Adoptable Familiars, are lore-friendly Flight Rising familiars that are perfect for lore or for role-playing! They started as an idea conceived by Bearded back in 2018, and has since grown into a community of artists and familiar enthusiasts who have bonded over their love of these creations.

Cool, how do I get one?
The easiest way to get your first Afamiliar is to purchase one from the Sunday Main Afamiliars Thread restock. Every week certain Afamiliars are set aside for newbies with less than 6 total Afamiliars, and with restocks you get to see the Afamiliar you will get before you buy.
We have also recently added Newbie Queues! A Newbie Queue is a way for artists to take orders specifically from people new to our community and get them some orders quickly without having to wait through the much longer general queues. The specifics of each user's Newbie Queue can be found on their individual Artist pages!
You can also get one by asking to breed together two Afamiliars owned by other users, though you may have to wait on a ping queue to submit your breeding order.
If you'd like to join the Afamiliar's Discord you also get access to various other Discord-exclusive methods:
Ordering a random Gen 1 with random colours and patterns
Purchasing an Afam in the #Artist-Sales channel
Finding an Afam in the exclusive Scavenging mechanic
What different things can I do to my Afamiliar?
There are three main things you can do to your Afamiliar, customise their look with Mira's Mysterious Mixtures (MMM), dress them up with Rosie's Ravishing Raiments (RRR) and Breed two together to create a offspring with traits from both parents! Click on a heading below to get a in-depth view of each of these mechanics.

MMM â–ª Faux Hybrids â–ª RRR â–ª Breeding
Mira's Mysterious Mixtures
Mira's Mysterious Mixtures mutates your chosen Afamiliar's appearance to take after the 3 FR items you give to Mira. This is commonly shortened to "MMM". There are also two additional flavours: Trait & Color Only MMM's.
You can use any items you want, but the results of your MMM are entirely up to the artist! You cannot request specific changes. Depending on the artist and the item, they may use textures, colors, or design features from the items you provide. The results can be surprising!
Classic MMM
Classic MMMs involve using 3 on-site items, and result in drastic changes to your Afam. This can be traits, colors, or patterns from any of the items at the artist's discretion. 3 items must be used, however you can use multiple of the same item, and the artist will interpret this however they wish. When ordering MMMs, the items chosen must be sent to the artist, one copy of each item!

Trait MMM
Trait MMMs use only 1 item and result in minor lineart changes to add a trait from that item to your Afam, but no appreciable color or pattern changes.

Colour MMM
Color MMMs use only 1 item and result in color and/or pattern changes to your Afam based on that item, but no lineart changes.

Additional MMM Info
Some of our artists allow MMMs to be applied to an Afamiliar that has already has an MMM applied! However, due to the increased complexity it will add an additional 20% of the original MMM fee each subsequent time the Afamiliar is MMM'd. So the first MMM is the listed price, the second is the listed price +20%, the third the listed price +40%, etc.
Please note that only some artists allow multiple-MMMing, and some have a maximum amount that can be applied to any one Afam.
Faux Hybrids
Some artists offer Faux Hybrids as part of their MMM service. This requires use of a Gem Marketplace Familiar as one of the MMM ingredients, or a 300g fee and a less expensive familiar as one of your ingredients.
Faux Hybrids feature a much more drastic change to your Afamiliar than a Classic MMM based on the familiar you include in your ingredients, usually constituting a major base rework. Which artists offer this can be found below. Only those artists will do a Faux Hybrid. Make sure to mention that you are ordering a Faux Hybrid in your form if this is your intent.
The below artists are currently the only ones able to create Faux Hybrids:
• Any species claimed by Razatharia
• Any species claimed by Xaz

Rosie's Ravishing Raiments
You can also customize an Afamiliar by paying a fee to Rosie's Ravishing Raiments, and showing her some dragon clothing you would like you Afamiliar to wear. These are clothes, and therefore not inheritable when breeding. ​Unlike an MMM, you do not send the apparel as part of your payment, only the currency.
There are three tiers of pricing for RRRs:

The complexity of different apparel is subjective, and the price of any individual item is up to the artist! It is best to consult with the artist of the species the RRR will be applied to before placing an order, either through the main thread or our Discord!
The results are generally up to the artist, but you can request some minor changes in some cases, such as changing the colour of the apparel.

Breeding two Afamiliars results in an offspring that mixes all the parents traits together - colours, patterns and any extra traits! Only Afamiliars of the same species may be bred together, but subspecies can breed together freely. For example, any of the subspecies listed under the Cerdae & Unicorn species can breed together, but could not breed with a Ferberus or Warhorse.
Here is an overview of some general rules for breeding:
Only male and female Afamiliars can be bred together
Afamiliars cannot be bred to relations within three generations
If the parents are of different subspecies, one will be chosen randomly for the offspring
Specific outcomes cannot be requested, what traits and elements pass down to offspring is up to the artist!
Gender of offspring can only be influenced by use of Sticky Scaled Fruit, a scavenging exclusive item
Permission must be granted when breeding Afamiliars belonging to other users
Breeding Complex Afamiliars also incurs an additional fee due to the extra time required. Complex Afamiliars are ones that have been sufficiently changed from their base, and can be viewed on a per-Afam basis on the Afamiliars Masterlist.
The fee is a standard 100g per Complex Parent: for example, breeding two Complex Afamiliars together adds 200g onto the total cost of breeding.

Come join us on Discord!
If all that sounds like a good time, you should come join us on our Discord! Whilst not required by any means, you will get access to Discord-exclusive features like scavenging, ordering random Gen 1s, and getting baby Afamiliars! It also means you become a member of our Discord community, with weekly games, regular Afam discussion and a whole channel just for asking questions!