Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables
This species is Legacy and is kept here for posterity :)
Canon Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

Triple the mischief!
A baby Ferberus can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Calico Ferberi almost always have a variety of patterns and colours across their bodies.
Pose 2 (Classic Pose) only available on request.
Artist's Note

Pose 2 / Classic Pose
Pose 1
Usermade Subspecies

Crossing paths with a ferberus is considered to be extremely unlucky. Fiona has twelve, of course.
A baby Ferberus can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Ferberi have a consistent pattern and colour across their entire body.
Pose 2 (Classic Pose) only available on request.
Artist's Note

Pose 2 / Classic Pose
Pose 1
Usermade Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

Black Army
Although related to the Winged Longhairs, sharing the same wing and feather patterns as well as the long fur, these more vicious Ferberi with their all-black fur and wings mostly prefer to keep to their own kind. Only few venture out to mate with another subspecies. - Founded by: Mahesha
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Blacklights reside hidden deep inside large, dark cave systems only luminated by a vast array of bioluminescent plants, ranging from small to very large. Blacklights evolution made them just as bright, colorful and bioluminescent, giving them the perfect camouflage in their native environment. They are shy to any outsiders, making use of their ability to completely blend in with their surroundings, making them invisible to others in the rare case another species ventures down far enough to reach their territory. Created by Tiaqua & Mahesha
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Dragon Cat
Ferberus who look a lot like their owners or the various dragons that reside within their lair. They take on the traits of many dragon breeds and its not quite certain where exactly they came from, perhaps someone meddling with scrolls, but who knows? Created by Zona & Shadowkitty9
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Their existence is created through a supernova, a bright and colorful explosion imprinting not only a colorful pattern, but also a map of the surrounding stars into their long fur and wings. They are curious by nature, venturing out to explore new and unknown worlds, but often return to their place of creation. - Created by Tiaqua & Mahesha
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

And so the Hydra shall once again rule all of dragon kind with intelligence bestowed upon each and every head. Their glorious queen, their benevolent mother known as Tiacat guides each to the new way. Hydra ferbs/felines, either by MMM or breeding, with their honorary ethereal wings bestowed by their god, their mother, their queen. Needs a Hydra or other dragon-like non dragon, and ethereal wings. - Founded by Pikammd
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Since immemorial times creatures have lived in marshes, ancient temples and other wetlands. The LostSoul ferberus is a guardian of tormented Spirit, seeing a LostSoul ferberus is a sign of impending doom and bad luck. They sometimes attract visitors to their territory to lose them forever. - Founded by: Despair63 and SnowySavannah
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Easily recognized by their starry pelt and the crescent moon on their shoulder, some claim that Luminary Ferberus come from the stars and possess wisdom beyond the ken of earthly creatures. Anyone who's ever owned one will tell you that they're a cat like any other, as long as "any other" has a knowing gleam in their eye and a strange fascination with star maps, telescopes, and skylights at night.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Northern Lights
Contrary to popular belief, these Ferberi didn't get their name from their place of origin. They were named after their short, dark, iridescent fur that gives the illusion of shifting Northern Lights as they move. They have no other unusual features, being distinguished from normal Ferberi only by their special coat.
Created by Mahesha
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

Winged Longhair
"Long lost to history, these longhaired flying ferberi were believed to be nothing but a myth. No one knows the reason for their sudden reappearance. Very little is known about them, but legend says being gifted a winged longhair is considered a sign of good luck. Their coat consists entirely of long fur and feathers.
Must be MMM'ed with any color of Feathered Wings, Tail Feathers and Gaoler Wintercoat, or bred from existing Winged Longhairs to qualify."
Founded by: Mahesha
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.
Usermade Subspecies

A large species of Ferberus from the coldest mountains regions. Their thick coats and dog-like features make them excellent companions in the snow. Unlike other longhaired breeds a Yeti Ferberus is distinguished by its droopy fluffy ears, curved horns, thick bushy tail, and almost dog-like muzzles. It's said that true Yeti ferberus also have fur that covers their eyes but that doesn't detract from their Yeti-ness. -Created by Xaz#332919
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.