Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables
Cerdae & Unicorns
There are currently 3 canon Cerdae subspecies; 3 canon Unicorn subspecies and 1 user-made subspecies. The info below should be accurate, but if in doubt be sure to check the Main Spreadsheet for the the most current information.
Base Value:
Random G1:
Breeding Price:
Classic MMM:
Trait MMM:
Colour MMM:
Usermade Subspecies

As calm and majestic as cerdae look, they must routinely spar to wear down their horns, which grow at an alarmingly fast rate.
Flora unicorns have more 'natural' horse colors as well as markings.

Pose 3
Pose 1

Pose 2

Pose 4
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies
A baby Cerdae/Unicorn can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Usermade Subspecies

House as far away from Ashscale Ophiotaurus as possible, or this may be your last cerdae.
Maned Cerdae can come in any color and have any variation of markings.

Pose 3
Pose 1

Pose 2

Pose 4
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies
A baby Cerdae/Unicorn can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Usermade Subspecies

Unicorns have always produced Cerdae, unicorns without healing abilities. Recently the birth rate of cerdae has skyrocketed, leaving some dragons to wonder if unicorns are dying out.
Mossy Cerdae come in variations of antelope/bongo/okapi etc markings and colors.

Pose 1
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies
A baby Cerdae/Unicorn can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Usermade Subspecies

The long legs of this unicorn allow it to walk along the bottom of shallow swamp beds, enabling it to easily graze on the aquatic plantlife.
Wetland Unicorns have deer markings more often than not. Usually speckled and brown. They rarely come in other colors.

Pose 1
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies
A baby Cerdae/Unicorn can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Canon Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

Black Dwarf
This dwarf unicorn has lost its magic. Its once shining coat is dull and blackened. The horns of black unicorns are worthless.
Black Dwarf Unicorns come in various shades of blacks and are almost always accompanied by white markings.

Pose 1
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

Slight and sleek, this unicorn possesses all of the charm, but less than half the magic and size of a true unicorn.
Dwarf Unicorns are generally palomino with a gold horn and hoves with little markings.

Pose 1

Pose 2
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

An odd subspecies of unicorns originating from the Glittering Twilight ranch. They are clearly differentiated by their billowing smoky manes, fangs and the two horns which they derive their name. Bakubicorns typically have overly mischievous personalities and a strong affinity to trickster magic. This makes them difficult to keep as they can unlock their own stables and paddocks.
Artist's Note

Pose 1

This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.