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Bicorn Whale

There are currently 4 canon Bicorn Whale subspecies and 1 user created subspecies. The info below should be accurate, but if in doubt be sure to check the Main Spreadsheet for the the most current information.

Base Value: 
Random G1:
Breeding Price:


Classic MMM:
Trait MMM:
Colour MMM:


Canon Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Canon Subspecies


Adapted to filter feed in the scalding depths of Blacksand Annex.

Artist's Note

Ashen Whales are blacks, oranges, reds, etc. Anything related to fire or volcanos.

Pose 1

Pose 2

A baby Bicorn Whale can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Canon Subspecies


Known for migrating to the warm waters off the coast of Blacksand Annex, Blackline Bicorns compete with the native Ashen Bicorn whales for food

Artist's Note

Blackline Whales have one or more stripes horizontally along their sides that is a single solid color.

Pose 1

Pose 2

A baby Bicorn Whale can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Canon Subspecies


Bits of ocean debris that are incorrectly filtered build up inside of these bicorn whales. Upon discovering a carcass, dragons may find a treasure trove of resources inside!

Artist's Note

Seaglass whale markings are almost always accompanied by a darker outline.

Pose 1

Pose 2

A baby Bicorn Whale can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Canon Subspecies


Thought by many to be a myth, these timid creatures may only be seen by virtuous dragons.

Artist's Note

Skycrest whales have clouds as markings. They can also have stars, moons, suns, sunsets, etc. Anything sky related is possible.

Pose 1

Pose 2

A baby Bicorn Whale can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item


Usermade Subspecies


Usermade Subspecies

Bihop Tadcorn

After mistakenly being labeled as a Tadhop, a Bicorn Whale somehow ended up taking on the traits of the species it was misidentified as. These traits, including a Tadhop-like tongue, tail, and fins, have seemed to spread across others of the species, creating an entirely new subspecies. Yes, some of them ribbit. - Founded by Razatharia & Sketchanie

Pose 1

Artist's Note

This is a player created subspecies and can not be ordered as a Gen 1.

Pose 2

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