Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables
There are currently 2 canon Clouddancer subspecies, and 1 user-made subspecies. The info below should be accurate, but if in doubt be sure to check the Main Spreadsheet for the the most current information.
Canon Subspecies â–ª Usermade Subspecies
Base Value:
Random G1:
Breeding Price:
Classic MMM:
Trait MMM:
Colour MMM:
Canon Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

A playful species of raptor named for their hide-and-seek behavior among cloud banks.
A baby Clouddancer can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Clouddancers are often shades of grey, with the occasional muted purple tones and rare blue shades.
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies

These raptors are an aggressive variant of Clouddancer. Young hatchlings have fallen prey to their talons.
A baby Clouddancer can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Sunspot Clouddancers are often brightly coloured, usually warm-toned. The occasional pale green or bright purple Sunspot is rare, but not unheard of.
Artist's Note
Usermade Subspecies

Rocdancers are set apart from other Clouddancers by their resemblance to the large, fierce birds from which they derive their name. They are characterized by their enormous size and long, flowing tail plumes, which are used in elaborate aerial displays. While not all sport the head crest characteristic of the Rocs, those that do are perceived by their peers as having higher status than their slightly smaller cousins who lack this feature. (Basically, they have to have the Roc tail, and the headcrest is a bonus.)(Part of the Like-A-Boss Project.)
Rocdancers are a player-created subspecies, acheived by Faux Hybriding Clouddancers with Rocs, and therefore do not have any standard for colours/patterns. Cannot be ordered as a Gen 1.