Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables

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Afamiliars has several events that take place around the year!
Halloween â–ª Autumn â–ª Winter â–ª Spring â–ª Skycat Migration

Haunted Halloween
The Afamiliar Halloween Haunted spectacular takes place in October, and involves a Raffle and various forum and Discord games with many prizes!
Try to win a special spooky Afamiliar in the raffle, colour in Afamiliar themed colouring pages, compete to find the most candy and more!
During the holiday, Candy can be collected via Scavenging, which can be traded in to Sam for a variety of spooky Halloween items!

It's candy!!! Candy can only be found during the Afamiliars Halloween Event!

Halloween Apparel Ticket
Trade in for some spooky costume bits!
This ticket can be used to add a small Halloween-themed apparel to an Afamiliar. Something along the lines of: halo, devil horns, tiny bat wings, super hero eye mask, a candy bag/bucket, etc. Request what apparel you want when you use this on an Afamiliar in #afam-orders-here!
Can't be used on: Any Sketchanie species
Cost: 10 Pieces of Candy (Only Available during Halloween Event)

Halloween Candyfall
An exciting shower of candy!
This is a piece of apparel that adds a shower of candy to your Afamiliar!
Can be applied to all species
Cost: 5 Pieces of Candy (Only Available during Halloween Event)

Haunted Petal-Patch Vine
This Petal-Patch Vine looks a little spookier than usual...
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) pattern to an Afamiliar. When ordering, specify what marking you want! The markings can be anything from this list:
skull face, limb bones, ribs and spine, stitches, jack-o-lantern face, ghosts, bats, black and white stripes (small area), candycorn stripes (small area), crescent moon, cartoon stars, spiderweb, spiders, blood spatter, slime spatter, eye shapes, black widow spider hourglass, bloody tears, runny mascara, goth eyeshadow, clown face
Small customization requests can be made after choosing a list item, but generally the color and placement of the design is up to the artist.
Can be applied to all species
Cost: 15 Pieces of Candy (Only available during Halloween Event)

Got no idea tbh

Winter Wilderness
The Afamiliar Winter Wilderness takes place in December, and involves a Raffle and various forum and Discord games with many prizes!
During the holiday, Candy can be collected via Scavenging, which can be traded in to Sam for a variety of chilly Wintery items!

Delicious festive cookies! Cookies can only be found during the Afamiliars Winter Event!

Festive Petal-Patch Vine
This Petal-Patch Vine looks a little more festive than usual...
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) pattern to an Afamiliar. When ordering, specify what marking you want! The markings can be anything from this list:
candycane stripes (small area), snowflakes, holly leaf, red nose, red nose (glowing), frost, snow leopard rosettes (small area), leopard seal mottling (small area), penguin face marking (provide a penguin species), lynx ear tufts (a small added trait), orca markings, fawn spots, aurora borealis (small area), snow dapple (small area), snowy owl barred pattern (small area), forehead star blaze
Small customization requests can be made after choosing a list item, but generally the color and placement of the design is up to the artist.
Can be applied to all species
Cost: 15 Cookies (Only Available during Winter Event)

Winter Apparel Ticket
Trade in for some festive or wintery small apparel!
Adds a small wintery or festive apparel or item like: a present, twinkly lights, santa hat, candle, dreidel, stocking, ornament, ear muffs, etc.
Can be used on all species
Cost: 10 Cookies (Only Available during Winter Event)

Winter Snowfall
Gently falling snow.
This is a piece of apparel that adds some falling snow to your Afamiliar!
Can be used on all species
Cost: 5 Cookies (Only Available during Winter Event)

Spring Celebration
The Afamiliar Spring Celebration takes place in April, and involves a Raffle and an Egg collecting competition! Prizes include special springy baby Afams, Afamiliars with unique mutations and unsold retired Afams!
During the holiday, Eggs can be collected via Scavenging, which can be traded in to Sam for a variety of cute flowery items!

These seem to be made out of chocolate.
Who hid all these eggs? Eggs can only be found during the Afamiliars Spring event!

Blossom Spell
A spell meant to be used on dragons. It works ok on familiars.
Adds a few (1 to 5) inheritable flowers to the Afam, type and color of the artist's choosing.
Can't be used on: any Xaz species
Cost: 10 Eggs (Only Available during Spring Event)

Spring Petal-Patch Vine
This petal-patch vine is looking a little more floral than usual...
This item will apply a permanent (inheritable) pattern to an Afamiliar. When ordering, specify what marking you want! The markings can be anything from this list:
Vines, leaves, simple flowers, pastel bands/stripes (small area), fawn spots, shamrocks, baby tapir stripes, baby boar stripes, rainbow gradient (small area), bee stripes, robin chest, chipmunk stripes, ladybug spots, skunk stripes, clouds, raindrops, butterfly masque
Small customization requests can be made after choosing a list item, but generally the color and placement of the design is up to the artist.
Can be applied to all species
Cost: 15 Eggs (Only Available during Spring Event)

Skycat Migration
The Skycat Migration is a unique Afamiliar event all about Skycats! Taking place in May over two weeks, every day has various giveaways and interactive giveaways, with a few games sprinkled throughout the week and some special Skycat auctions at the very end of the second week.
Skycats are (dominantly) be free to earn.
Skycats are not breedable. (and do not have a sex)
Skycats do not have a specific artist
This is the only time of the year Skycats are available to find, until the next year when they migrate again! RRR and MMM orders can still be applied year round.