Breedable FR Familiar Adoptables
There are currently 2 canon and 7 user created Hydrena subspecies. The info below should be accurate, but if in doubt be sure to check the Main Spreadsheet for the the most current information.
Base Value:
Random G1:
Breeding Price:
Classic MMM:
Trait MMM:
Colour MMM:
Canon Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

While they are at home in the water, hydrenas can often be seen skulking among the dust-parched boneyards of dead Greattusks, waiting to ambush overconfident hatchlings.

Pose 1
Artist's Note
Their natural sandy camouflage is not very effective considering their bright scales and fins. Pose 1 is default, Pose 2 available on request.

Pose 2

A baby Hydrena can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item.
Baby Hydena cannot be MMMed.
Usermade Subspecies

Having developed an evolutionary affinity for water, it isn't uncommon to come across a family of these hyenas floating in lakes and watering holes to beat the heat.

Pose 1
Artist's Note
The bright colours adorning these hydrena show they are not to be trifled with. Pose 1 is default, Pose 2 available on request.

Pose 2

A baby Hydrena can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species.
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 + Nectar of Youth scavenging item.
Baby Hydena cannot be MMMed.
Usermade Subspecies
Usermade Subspecies

Crystal Hides
Hailing from the Crystalspine Reaches, these Hydrena have had an extreme reaction to Arcane radiation. These Hydrena have lost their fins and replaced them with sparkling crystals. Crystal hides hunt mainly on land, as their heavy crystals tend to weigh them down in the water. Though that doesn't mean they avoid it, Crystal Hides can be found cleaning their namesakes until they shine.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and cannot be ordered as a G1.

Usermade Subspecies

These hydrena have a special affinity towards the elemental magic of Sornieth. While not able to use the magic itself the elements manifest on these afams as a physical representations of the elements. Must use an elemental catalyst and primal eye vial on a hydrena or breed from an Elemental to qualify (elements don't have to match)
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and cannot be ordered as a G1.

Usermade Subspecies

Glowyena hunt exclusively in the darkness of night. You'd think their glow would give them away but they wave their fins in disorientating patterns to hypnotize their prey.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and cannot be ordered as a G1.

Usermade Subspecies

Petalmane hydrena's slowly came to be in riverbeds, beaches, and other waterlogged terrain. Their manes changed as their lifestyle did. As the hydrena's ate more land based products, including plants, their manes slowly evolved to what they are now.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and cannot be ordered as a G1.

Usermade Subspecies

Discovered in Winterfest, these soft, squishie plushies aren't quite the typical Hydrena. They seem to prefer scavenging for carnival foods over hunting. Packs can often be seen stalking out festivals in hopes for a tasty treat.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies. G1s can be created by using any plushie in a Classic MMM & specifying you want the plushie base. Original lineart was a Winter Event 2021 prize.

Usermade Subspecies

Hailing from prehistoric times, scientist have found a way to bring this long extinct species back. A dinosaur/proto-hydrena mix has been reconstituted into current familiars to protect and propagate the original species. These hydrenas are more agile and temperamental than their more tame counterparts.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies. G1s can be created by using a Trodo in a trait OR classic MMM + a 100g bribe.

Baby Pose
Usermade Subspecies

Yeenaphants are a highly evolved species, independently developing Baku-like traits. They use their trunks and tusks to help them pick through the boneyards in which they live.
Artist's Note
This is a player created subspecies and cannot be ordered as a G1.