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There are currently 3 canon Prince subspecies. The info below should be accurate, but if in doubt be sure to check the Main Spreadsheet for the the most current information.

Canon Subspecies

Base Value: 
Random G1:
Breeding Price:


Classic MMM:
Trait MMM:
Colour MMM:


Canon Subspecies

Usermade Subspecies

Basalt Eruption

A petrified creature gains a second life.

A baby Prince can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species. 
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Basalt Eruptions are usually shades of black, grey, and occasionally brown, with rocky "crowns" and a bright, warm-toned head/tail.

Artist's Note

Usermade Subspecies


A wise leader must never lose their head.

A baby Prince can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species. 
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Foolish Princes tend to have more saturated colours with gold/bronze crowns, and striped patterns.

Artist's Note

Usermade Subspecies

Mindless Flight

Swift, strong, and without any sense of direction.

A baby Prince can be grown up by paying the Base Value of their species. 
Afamiliars can also be ordered as the baby base by paying Random G1 Nectar of Youth scavenging item

Mindless Flights are generally more muted in colour with dark crowns, and have spotted patterns.

Artist's Note

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