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There are currently 4 canon and 1 usermade Strangler subspecies. The info below should be accurate, but if in doubt be sure to check the Main Spreadsheet for the the most current information.

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Canon Subspecies


Usermade Subspecies


A strangler in bloom is at the end of its life cycle. It is ready to reproduce.

Artist's Note

Blooming Stranglers are most commonly green or desaturated colours, with bright accents and/or markings

Usermade Subspecies


Watch where you step! These constrictors blend into the forest bed, waiting to snare unsuspecting critters.

Artist's Note

Deadwood Stranglers are typically shades of brown, and have small bits of foliage on their branches

Usermade Subspecies


The white growths on this strangler's hide allow it to blend into the snow-covered landscape of Boreal Wood.

Artist's Note

Frosttangle Stranglers are often shades of grey or desaturated brown, and are covered in snow-like growths

Usermade Subspecies

None (Strangler)

The strangler actively hunts once a year. It chokes its prey and buries the body. It will take root in soon-to-be fertile soil and rest for another year.

Artist's Note

Your typical, run-of-the-mill Strangler. Predominantly shades of green, they also occasionally come in a variety of other desaturated colours

Usermade Subspecies


Usermade Subspecies


Created in the uncontrolled blaze of wildfires, these Stranglers have adapted to and embraced the flames. If the fire inside them ever goes out, they will quickly die from hypothermia, their adaptations making them no longer suited for anything colder than scorching hot.

Artist's Note

Wildfire Stranglers cannot be ordered as G1s, but can be obtained through Scavenging, Events, and Breeding!

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